Dive-Worthy Dollar Bill Rose Bouquet
Ears will perk when you mention that the wedding bouquet you're about to throw is made of money. Yes, this Dive-Worthy Dollar Bill Rose Bouquet is incredibly beautiful but these DIY paper roses are a little bit more special than the usual because they are made from paper money. Feel free to up the domination over one dollar but either way, these paper flowers are something else. This DIY money bouquet works for more than just weddings, too. Give this pretty and useful bouquet to recent graduates, for birthdays, or any other celebration.
Estimated CostUnder $10
Time to CompleteUnder an hour
Primary TechniquePaper Crafts
Read NextLong Stemmed Red Rose
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Apr 29, 2017
I think this Dollar Bill Bouquet is so pretty. This would be a great idea to make and give to a loved one in the hospital with medical bills to pay, or for any occasion, make this instead of giving a gift card. Delightful!
Cheryl Y
Oct 24, 2016
I have seen these and wondered how they were made, now I know! After reading the how to, I'm not sure how to put the rose together? Do you stick a whole in the center of the bill? I read the directions a few times and still not sure.. I would love to make these for my daughters wedding next summer. If you made these please help.. Thanks for this how to guide..
Oct 27, 2016
I have yet to make these but it looks like you use the wire to wrap the flower and then probably wrap the wire from the bottom of each rose to the rest of the florals to create the bouquet. If you get desperate, you can always comment on the Instructable and see if the designer can clarify. Good luck! - Krista, Editor, AllFreePaperCrafts
Oct 13, 2016
This is a really clever and beautiful way to give money for graduations, weddings, and birthdays. Way more impressive than an envelope!
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