Paper Mums Wedding Bouquet
Cut down on the cost of throwing a wedding by making some of the necessities yourself. This Paper Mums Wedding Bouquet is easy to make and completely customizable to your taste. Get your free printables and then follow along with the tutorial to learn how to make paper flowers you can turn into a bouquet. Use paper that matches the color scheme of the wedding and get started crafting. This is a budget-friendly alternative to professional flowers you'll have to throw away later. You can use this same technique if you want to make flower centerpieces for the party.
Estimated CostUnder $10
Time to CompleteUnder an hour
Primary TechniquePaper Crafts
Project or Page Size8.5 inches x 11 inches
Type of Paper UsedMetallic Sheets
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Daughter of Light
Aug 14, 2018
This paper mums wedding bouquet would be lovely for a fall wedding with jewel colors as the event colors! I've never tried paper flowers before but with such beautiful patterns becoming available and their realistic appearance I may just have a go at one soon. Of course these would look absolutely stunning gracing the dining room table or on a sofa table as well. I really appreciate this being shared! Thanks!
Apr 21, 2017
I'm not sure I would use it as a wedding bouquet, but it's very pretty! There are so many ways to make flowers from paper that I am sometimes amazed at how nice they turn out and this is one of those times. I have to give it a try, even though I don't need a bouquet for anything.
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